Educational Resources

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Peer-reviewed publications
January 22, 2025
Exploration of troublesome and threshold concepts in cloud microphysics

Exploration of troublesome and threshold concepts in cloud microphysics

Julien-Pooya et al., 2025 investigate the difficulties faced by undergraduate students during a four-hour cloud microphysics introductory lecture.

Peer-reviewed publications
Studentenes læringsmiljø FO2
SEED project
SvalDEM - Digital elevation models of glaciers and their forefields in the changing High Arctic

SvalDEM - Digital elevation models of glaciers and their forefields in the changing High Arctic

Across the entire Svalbard archipelago we see the effects of climate change in the shape of dramatic glacier recessions, thinning and increase in size of their forefields.

Virtual field learning
SEED project
Feltlæring FO4
Digital Læring Forum
January 1, 2024
iEarth Digital Learning Forum 2024

iEarth Digital Learning Forum 2024

A summary of the iEarth digital learning forums (iEDLF) in 2024.

Digital Læring Forum
SEED project
January 1, 2024
Active learning in the Geoscience curriculum

Active learning in the Geoscience curriculum

How should university teachers teach so that students learn best?

Active learning
SEED project
SEED project
January 1, 2023
A new course on Extreme environments: from concept to development

A new course on Extreme environments: from concept to development

The online course "Extreme environments" is a pioneering educational initiative designed at UiT, The Arctic University of Norway.

Virtual field learning
iEarth Education Research Publication Series
Active learning
Studentenes læringsmiljø FO2
SEED project
January 1, 2024
Creating and sharing better science graphics

Creating and sharing better science graphics

There is an old adage - a picture is worth a thousand words. This is particularly applicable to all fields of the sciences,w here graphics are essential to communicate results.

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SEED project
January 1, 2021
Geo-MOD course: UAV-based geoscientific data acquisition and processing

Geo-MOD course: UAV-based geoscientific data acquisition and processing

The use of unmanned earial vehicles (UAVs) is widely used in geosciences. The photogrammetry workflow consists of three main stages: acquisition, processing and analysis.

iEarth Education Research Publication Series
Virtual field learning
Active learning
Field Learning
Software learning
Feltlæring FO4
SEED project
January 1, 2020
Students as Partners workshop 2020

Students as Partners workshop 2020

A digital workshop centred on outlining the Students as Partners vision by Professor Catherine Bovill.

Active learning
iEarth Education Research Publication Series
SEED project
Undervisernes læringsmiljø FO3
SEED project
January 1, 2021
Teaching Manual for Field Assistants

Teaching Manual for Field Assistants

A theoretical framework for how to best prepare and execute fieldwork in order to improve student learning outcomes.

SEED project
Field Learning
iEarth Education Research Publication Series
Active learning
Peer-reviewed publications
January 1, 2023
West Spitsbergen fold and thrust belt: A digital educational data package for teaching structural geology

West Spitsbergen fold and thrust belt: A digital educational data package for teaching structural geology

Rafael Kenji Horota, Kim Senger, Nil Rodes, Peter Betlem, Aleksandra Smyrak-Sikora, Marius O. Jonassen, Daniel Kramer, Alvar Braathen, 2023.

Field Learning
Peer-reviewed publications
Virtual field learning
Peer-reviewed publications
January 1, 2024
The interplay between social network characteristics of teachers and their disposition to introduce changes in education

The interplay between social network characteristics of teachers and their disposition to introduce changes in education

Social network analysis and educational change: unravelling the role of innovative teaching staff in a higher education environment.

Dissemination and outreach
Peer-reviewed publications
Digital Læring Forum
Forme fremtiden FO1
SEED project
January 1, 2020
CoCalc - A tool for teachers to develop and assign in-class excercies and home assignments to students

CoCalc - A tool for teachers to develop and assign in-class excercies and home assignments to students

Our intention was to provide an interactive learning experience where we would combine code, data and explanations in on eplatform that is easy accessible.

SEED project
Software learning
iEarth Education Research Publication Series
Undervisernes læringsmiljø FO3
SEED project
January 1, 2020
Festningen - a digital field guide (DigFest)

Festningen - a digital field guide (DigFest)

The renowned Festningen section in the outer part of Isfjorden, western Spitsbergen, offers a c. 7 km long nearly continuous stratigraphic section.

Active learning
Virtual field learning
SEED project
Peer-reviewed publications
iEarth Education Research Publication Series
Field Learning
January 1, 2020
Game of Stones

Game of Stones

Under COVID19 ble flere filmer laget for bachelor studentene i introduksjonsfeltkurset GEOV102 - Ekskursjoner og øvelser i geologi, ved Institutt for Geovitenskap, UiB.

Virtual field learning
Field Learning
Active learning
Dissemination and outreach
Feltlæring FO4
SEED project
January 1, 2020
DIY værstasjoner for grensesprengende læring

DIY værstasjoner for grensesprengende læring

We gathered 10 participants from the Bachelor study program "Klima, Atmosfære- og Havfysikk" at the Geophysical Institute, UiB, to build their own little weather stations.

SEED project
Digital Læring Forum
Active learning
Lab-based learning
iEarth Education Research Publication Series
Studentenes læringsmiljø FO2
Peer-reviewed publications
July 21, 2023
The complexities of moving topics beween disciplines: the case of buoyancy and isostasy

The complexities of moving topics beween disciplines: the case of buoyancy and isostasy

"A lack of prior knowledge in the other discipline" is often given by geoscience instructors to explain why students struggle to apply knowledge from other disciplines to the Earth

Peer-reviewed publications
Dissemination and outreach
Studentenes læringsmiljø FO2
January 1, 2022
iEarth Journal Club articles

iEarth Journal Club articles

In this resource you can find all of the articles used in the iEarth Journal Club. The list will be updated each semester with new articles.

Peer-reviewed publications
Active learning
Undervisernes læringsmiljø FO3
Peer-reviewed publications
July 28, 2023
Activity Bingo: Nudging Students to Make the Most Out of Fieldwork

Activity Bingo: Nudging Students to Make the Most Out of Fieldwork

In geosciences, fieldwork is a traditional way to teach various applications of disciplinary knowledge and practical skills and to introduce students to the scientific method.

Peer-reviewed publications
Field Learning
Active learning
Equality, diversity, and inclusion
Studentenes læringsmiljø FO2
SEED project
January 1, 2021
VR Svalbard: Discovering Svalbard's Landscape with High-Quality Drone Photospheres

VR Svalbard: Discovering Svalbard's Landscape with High-Quality Drone Photospheres

VR Svalbard offers an extraordinary opportunity to explore the breathtaking landscapes of Svalbard, using desktop VR-technology.

SEED project
Virtual field learning
Peer-reviewed publications
iEarth Education Research Publication Series
Field Learning
Feltlæring FO4
SEED project
January 1, 2021
Creating soundtracks for GeoScience: Exploring the use of non-visual tools for accessible learning

Creating soundtracks for GeoScience: Exploring the use of non-visual tools for accessible learning

This project explores the use of non-speech audio as a tool for accessible or augmented learning, to evaluate the role of immersive sound as an alternative mechanism of learning.

Active learning
Equality, diversity, and inclusion
SEED project
Virtual field learning
iEarth Education Research Publication Series
Studentenes læringsmiljø FO2
SEED project
January 1, 2021
SEDucate – Sedimentary Log Exercises for an Active Learning Environment

SEDucate – Sedimentary Log Exercises for an Active Learning Environment

SEDucate is a GIS plugin to build realistic active-learning exercises in sedimentology course curriculums by creating unique sedimentary logs for a tailored assessment.

Active learning
Software learning
SEED project
Peer-reviewed publications
iEarth Education Research Publication Series
Studentenes læringsmiljø FO2
Digital Læring Forum
May 11, 2023
Diversity and inclusion in earth science education - Is it a problem and does it matter?

Diversity and inclusion in earth science education - Is it a problem and does it matter?

Head of department at Arctic Geology at UNIS, and associate professor Maria Jensen held a digital learning forum on 11th May 2023.

Digital Læring Forum
Equality, diversity, and inclusion
Dissemination and outreach
SEED project
January 1, 2021
GEO*Logic – A Geological board game for versatile use

GEO*Logic – A Geological board game for versatile use

Geo*Logic is a versatile geology game intended to have fun and get an understanding of geological time.

SEED project
Active learning
Digital Læring Forum
Equality, diversity, and inclusion
Studentenes læringsmiljø FO2
Dissemination and outreach
January 1, 2020
iEarth - Education for Earth's future

iEarth - Education for Earth's future

Centre for Integrated Earth Science Education (iEarth) is a Norwegian Center of Excellence in Education. We aim to establish an innovative and student-centered learning environment

Dissemination and outreach
Lab-based learning
January 1, 2021
Analyse av hovedelementer

Analyse av hovedelementer

Laboratorievideo som viser hvordan en forbereder prøvermateriale for analyse av hovedelementer ved bruk av XRF.

Lab-based learning
Studentenes læringsmiljø FO2
January 1, 2024
iEarth logos and templates

iEarth logos and templates

Here you can find iEarth logos or templates

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Software learning
January 1, 2022
Agisoft Metashape Workflow

Agisoft Metashape Workflow

Agisoft metashape workflow by formed PhD Martin Kjenes at UiB.

Software learning
Virtual field learning
Field Learning
Feltlæring FO4
SEED project
January 1, 2021
Students' response to the introduction of active learning and computational practices in a bachelor-level earth science course

Students' response to the introduction of active learning and computational practices in a bachelor-level earth science course

The article adresses students' response to the uncertainity they experienced when applying computational practices and active learning during a geobiology course.

iEarth Education Research Publication Series
Peer-reviewed publications
SEED project
Active learning
Studentenes læringsmiljø FO2
SEED project
January 1, 2022
Redesign av lab- og metodekurset i kvartærgeologi ved Institutt for Geovitenskap, UiB

Redesign av lab- og metodekurset i kvartærgeologi ved Institutt for Geovitenskap, UiB

Lab- og metodekurset i kvartærgeologi (GEOV226) ved institutt for geovitenskap, UiB, er i transformasjon.

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Feltlæring FO4
SEED project
Escape Room Icebreaker - A Kickstart for Good and Effective Group Work in the Geology and Geography Introductory Course at UiO.

Escape Room Icebreaker - A Kickstart for Good and Effective Group Work in the Geology and Geography Introductory Course at UiO.

Knowing how to perform effective group work is also a skill the students will take advantage of in future jobs.

Active learning
Student organization
SEED project
Studentenes læringsmiljø FO2
Hvordan lage batymetriske kart?

Hvordan lage batymetriske kart?

Guide til hvordan en lager batymetriske kart i Reefmaster Software

Virtual field learning


for utdanningsforskning og utvikling.

No items found.
Undervisernes læringsmiljø FO3
SEED project
iWalk- How to create a walkable map

iWalk- How to create a walkable map

The purpose of the Seed Project: Create virtual walkable maps by using geo-data and a gaming engine.

Virtual field learning
Feltlæring FO4
SEED project
FROST - Fieldwork instRuctionals fOr Students and Teachers

FROST - Fieldwork instRuctionals fOr Students and Teachers

The purpose of the FROST project: create new teaching material for fieldwork participants aiming to improve preparation for fieldwork from a scientific- and safety-wise

Virtual field learning
Software learning
SEED project
Active learning
Feltlæring FO4
SEED project
 iEarth student organization- UiB chapter, report 2021

iEarth student organization- UiB chapter, report 2021

iEarths publikasjonsserie for utdanningsforskning.

Student organization
Studentenes læringsmiljø FO2
SEED project
January 1, 2022
Geological maps in the University of Oslo Bachelor degree

Geological maps in the University of Oslo Bachelor degree

Integrating the student and teacher perspective in Course alignment across 3 years: teaching of geological maps in the UiO bachelor.

Active learning
SEED project
January 1, 2020
Students as partners in course development – a pilot

Students as partners in course development – a pilot

iEarths publikasjonsserie for utdanningsforskning

Active learning
iEarth Education Research Publication Series
SEED project
Studentenes læringsmiljø FO2
Active learning
Undergraduate Research Experiences in geoscience courses at UiB and UNIS in 2021-22

Undergraduate Research Experiences in geoscience courses at UiB and UNIS in 2021-22

Denne rapporten presenterer eksempler på bachelorstudenters forskningserfaringer i geofagkurs ved Universitetet i Bergen (UiB) og Universitetssenteret på Svalbard (UNIS).

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Undervisernes læringsmiljø FO3
Field Learning
The Norwegian geosite database: An educational resource for field course planning and documentation.

The Norwegian geosite database: An educational resource for field course planning and documentation.

Norges Geologiske Undersøkelse (NGU) opererer en geologisk database for geoarv i form av geosteder.

Dissemination and outreach
Feltlæring FO4
SEED project
January 1, 2022
Ocean bottom seismometers

Ocean bottom seismometers

The department of Geoscience at UiT (IG-UiT) decided to merge 3 courses in marine geology and geophyscis into a single 10 credits course.

Active learning
Field Learning
iEarth Education Research Publication Series
SEED project
Feltlæring FO4
Field Learning
Konfigurere en ArcGIS Map File for ArcGIS Field Maps

Konfigurere en ArcGIS Map File for ArcGIS Field Maps

Denne opplæringsvideoen viser hvordan man setter opp et prosjekt i ArcGIS Pro for å muliggjøre innsamling av data i felt.

Field Learning
Feltlæring FO4
Tefra opplæringsvideo

Tefra opplæringsvideo

Lær mer om Tefra-analyse!

Lab-based learning
Studentenes læringsmiljø FO2
Active learning
"Flipped classrooms" – hva utgjør en god oppgave?

"Flipped classrooms" – hva utgjør en god oppgave?

Vi presenterer noen råd som kan bidra til å designe oppgaver for "flipped classroom".

Active learning
Undervisernes læringsmiljø FO3