CoCalc - A tool for teachers to develop and assign in-class excercies and home assignments to students

Our intention was to provide an interactive learning experience where we would combine code, data and explanations in on eplatform that is easy accessible.

CoCalc - A tool for teachers to develop and assign in-class excercies and home assignments to students

Our intention was to provide an interactive learning experience where we would combine code, data and explanations in on eplatform that is easy accessible.

CoCalc - A tool for teachers to develop and assign in-class excercies and home assignments to students

Our intention was to provide an interactive learning experience where we would combine code, data and explanations in on eplatform that is easy accessible.

CoCalc - A tool for teachers to develop and assign in-class excercies and home assignments to students

Our intention was to provide an interactive learning experience where we would combine code, data and explanations in on eplatform that is easy accessible.

CoCalc - A tool for teachers to develop and assign in-class excercies and home assignments to students

Our intention was to provide an interactive learning experience where we would combine code, data and explanations in on eplatform that is easy accessible.

CoCalc - A tool for teachers to develop and assign in-class excercies and home assignments to students

Our intention was to provide an interactive learning experience where we would combine code, data and explanations in on eplatform that is easy accessible.

CoCalc - A tool for teachers to develop and assign in-class excercies and home assignments to students

Our intention was to provide an interactive learning experience where we would combine code, data and explanations in on eplatform that is easy accessible.

SEED project
Undervisernes læringsmiljø

iEarth Education Research Publication Series

Project: "CoCalc"

Authors: Karsten Müller

Funding from iEarth: 10 000 NOK in 2020

CoCalc makes it easy to organize course work and track student's progress. We used CoCalc over four terms and two different courses at the Department of Geosciences at UiO to interact with the students.

Project “CoCalc” used a service provided at (called CoCalc from now on) for teaching students. CoCalc is a virtual online workspace for collaboratively performing calculations when carrying out research, teaching, or authoring/publishing documents (Cocalc, 2022). CoCalc lets the instructor combine text documents, videos, figures, data, models, and live coding. We have used CoCalc in teaching geophysics to students at UiO. E.g., let them do data processing of ground penetrating radar (GPR) data while explaining in text-form and during classes. We have also used CoCalc to run avalanche run-out models in another class. The students are provided with the model and data and can run and tweak the model themselves. The instructor can distribute hand-outs and assignments and follow the progression of the students both live and after hand-in (Figure 1). Both larger assignments and small exercises during class have been conducted. Options for grading are also available within CoCalc but was done in Canvas in this project.

Other features of CoCalc are a collaborative whiteboard, an API, access to a Linux virtual environment and alternative programming languages such as Julia, R, and Octave. However, these features have not been explored during this project. CoCalc is intended to be run in a browser but can also be hosted locally or through a small desktop application on Windows and MacOS.

The aim of this project was to provide an interactive learning environment to students which can be used both online and in-class.

Read the full report here

The uses of CoCalc - Image from
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Heavily used in Svalex expeditions, run for multi-disciplinary student teams in Svalbard until 2013

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Rarity et al. (2014)

March 8, 2024
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June 20, 2024