The complexities of moving topics beween disciplines: the case of buoyancy and isostasy

"A lack of prior knowledge in the other discipline" is often given by geoscience instructors to explain why students struggle to apply knowledge from other disciplines to the Earth

The complexities of moving topics beween disciplines: the case of buoyancy and isostasy

"A lack of prior knowledge in the other discipline" is often given by geoscience instructors to explain why students struggle to apply knowledge from other disciplines to the Earth

The complexities of moving topics beween disciplines: the case of buoyancy and isostasy

"A lack of prior knowledge in the other discipline" is often given by geoscience instructors to explain why students struggle to apply knowledge from other disciplines to the Earth

The complexities of moving topics beween disciplines: the case of buoyancy and isostasy

"A lack of prior knowledge in the other discipline" is often given by geoscience instructors to explain why students struggle to apply knowledge from other disciplines to the Earth

The complexities of moving topics beween disciplines: the case of buoyancy and isostasy

"A lack of prior knowledge in the other discipline" is often given by geoscience instructors to explain why students struggle to apply knowledge from other disciplines to the Earth

The complexities of moving topics beween disciplines: the case of buoyancy and isostasy

"A lack of prior knowledge in the other discipline" is often given by geoscience instructors to explain why students struggle to apply knowledge from other disciplines to the Earth

The complexities of moving topics beween disciplines: the case of buoyancy and isostasy

"A lack of prior knowledge in the other discipline" is often given by geoscience instructors to explain why students struggle to apply knowledge from other disciplines to the Earth

Peer-reviewed publications
Studentenes læringsmiljø

In this peer-reviewed publication by Kirsty Dunnett and A. Mattias Lundmark, they investigate the statement above by considering the disciplinary crossing of buoyancy (physics) to isostasy (geoscience).

Go to the "International Journal of Science Education" peer-reviewed publication here

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