Geological maps in the University of Oslo Bachelor degree

Integrating the student and teacher perspective in Course alignment across 3 years: teaching of geological maps in the UiO bachelor.

Geological maps in the University of Oslo Bachelor degree

Integrating the student and teacher perspective in Course alignment across 3 years: teaching of geological maps in the UiO bachelor.

Geological maps in the University of Oslo Bachelor degree

Integrating the student and teacher perspective in Course alignment across 3 years: teaching of geological maps in the UiO bachelor.

Geological maps in the University of Oslo Bachelor degree

Integrating the student and teacher perspective in Course alignment across 3 years: teaching of geological maps in the UiO bachelor.

Geological maps in the University of Oslo Bachelor degree

Integrating the student and teacher perspective in Course alignment across 3 years: teaching of geological maps in the UiO bachelor.

Geological maps in the University of Oslo Bachelor degree

Integrating the student and teacher perspective in Course alignment across 3 years: teaching of geological maps in the UiO bachelor.

Geological maps in the University of Oslo Bachelor degree

Integrating the student and teacher perspective in Course alignment across 3 years: teaching of geological maps in the UiO bachelor.

SEED project

iEarth Education Research Publication Series

SEED Project: "Integrating the student and teacher perspective in Course alignment across 3 years: teaching of geological maps in the UiO bachelor"

Authors: Anita Torabi, Lars Eivind Augland and Anders Mattias Lundmark

Funding from iEarth: 20 670 NOK in 2021


We report the results from an iEarth funded student-staff collaboration at the Department of Geosciences, Oslo University. The aim of the study was to find out what challenges students experience in geological map teaching across the bachelor program in geology, and to find solutions in discussion with the students. Two Master students conducted interviews and questionnaire surveys among bachelor students, and wrote up the results along with their analysis (Appendix 1). This formed the basis for discussions with the course responsible teachers of the three courses in the bachelor where most of the teaching of geological maps takes place: GEO1110 (1st year), GEO2130 (2nd year) and GEO3010 (3rdyear). The challenges and solutions identified in that discussion are presented in this report.

Read the iEarth ERP Series here

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