Over the border... iEarth's research group goes to Stockholm

Over the border... iEarth's research group goes to Stockholm

Over the border... iEarth's research group goes to Stockholm

Over the border... iEarth's research group goes to Stockholm

Over the border... iEarth's research group goes to Stockholm

Over the border... iEarth's research group goes to Stockholm

Over the border... iEarth's research group goes to Stockholm

Dec 20, 2024
Kirsty Dunnett and Carly Faber

Carly, Julien and Kirsty joined Maria Weurlander at Stockholm University for three days working on the Geoscience Education Guide and the workshop for the GeoLearning Forum.

While there, they also gave a 'SAMTAL@SU' (Science and Mathematics Teaching And Learning) presentation to Stockholm University's geosciences department. This was the first SAMTAL@SU event specifically aimed at geosciences and was much appreciated, with over 10 highly engaged attendees.

They tackled the question of what 'treat your teaching as you treat your research' might mean, showcasing Julien's research on the development of expertise in cloud physics, and the cross-iEarth investigation of the potential of Activity Bingo in different contexts that Kirsty and Carly are coordinating as an example of a structured, collaborative investigation into teaching and learning.

There was great interest in the activity bingo and the possibilities it presents for student motivation. Discussions continued on how to articulate course material, developing and evaluating new course material, and differences in the bachelor course structuring between Swedish and Norwegian universities.

Photo credits: Julien-Weihs Pooya, Kirsty Dunnett and Carly Faber

Over the border... iEarth's research group goes to StockholmOver the border... iEarth's research group goes to Stockholm

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