Cabin trip to Lygna

Cabin trip to Lygna

Cabin trip to Lygna

Cabin trip to Lygna

Cabin trip to Lygna

Cabin trip to Lygna

Cabin trip to Lygna

Mar 28, 2025

7-9th of March, the iEarth students in Oslo gathered for a weekend at a cabin in Lygna.

During the weekend the iEarth students barbequed and socialed with a geoquiz, board games and got together for a relaxing weekend in the mountains.

GeoQuiz at Lygna

Getting together for team building and social events are very important to create discussions and better understand how we can work together to improve the geoscientific education at our universities
Cabin trip to LygnaCabin trip to Lygna

Photo: iEarth students Oslo

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