New temporary network coordinator - Hakan Heggernes

New temporary network coordinator - Hakan Heggernes

New temporary network coordinator - Hakan Heggernes

New temporary network coordinator - Hakan Heggernes

New temporary network coordinator - Hakan Heggernes

New temporary network coordinator - Hakan Heggernes

New temporary network coordinator - Hakan Heggernes

Jun 12, 2023
Hakan Heggernes

Hello! My name is Hakan and I will be stepping in as network coordinator for Thomas for the next 5 months.

Hi everyone!

My name is Hakan and I just started in a temporary position as iEarth network coordinator, stepping in for Thomas. I officially started on 10. May 2023, and I will be working 80% in this position for the next 5 months. I am very much looking forward to having this position for the coming months.

Stepping into this position is very different from my normal position as a PhD-candidate, and there is a lot of new stuff for me to learn and get into. Fortunately there are many nice and helpful people within iEarth that are helping me get settled. Also Thomas will continue working 20%, and will be helping me out.

About me

I first arrived at University of Bergen back in 2014, when I started on a Bachelor's program in geology. Later, 2017-2019, I did my Master's degree in sedimentology and structural geology, working with sattelite data, digital elevation models and bathymetic maps on the Sinai peninsula and the Suez and Aqaba gulfs in Egypt. This work focued on present day sedimentation along the coast of the Sinai penisula, and how topography, geological structures and the Suez and Aqaba bathymetry controls this sedimentation.

After my Master's degree I started in a PhD position at UiB in early 2020. My project revolves around deformation bands, which are small scale deformation structures found in porous sedimentary rocks, like sandstones. At the moment I have finished three out of my four years of my PhD-work, but will now only work on it for one day a week, and put the rest of the time into iEarth.

Given this opportunity I am taking a small break from my PhD to focus on iEarth, and I am looking forward to getting to know the people involved.
Although for a limited time, I am excited to be a part of iEarth!

New temporary network coordinator - Hakan HeggernesNew temporary network coordinator - Hakan Heggernes

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