Continuous feedback in teaching - A student-led project on increasing the communication between students and teachers

Continuous feedback in teaching - A student-led project on increasing the communication between students and teachers

Continuous feedback in teaching - A student-led project on increasing the communication between students and teachers

Continuous feedback in teaching - A student-led project on increasing the communication between students and teachers

Continuous feedback in teaching - A student-led project on increasing the communication between students and teachers

Continuous feedback in teaching - A student-led project on increasing the communication between students and teachers

Continuous feedback in teaching - A student-led project on increasing the communication between students and teachers

Oct 18, 2024
Thomas Hagen Thuesen

After GeoLearning Forum 2023, iEarth student leader in Bergen, Siri Tungland, came up with an idea on how course representatives could have an active role in teaching.

Course representatives was a well established practice at iEarth institutions, thanks to a previous initiative "Students as partners in course development - a pilot". However, sometimes it was difficult to gather and interpret student feedback, and it's often difficult to get engagement and feedback from everyone.

This lead Siri to develop an "Instant feedback" system using a QR code and a form where students after each teaching and learning session (or at a frequency that works) could answer two simple questions with the possibility to comment. The feedback is anonymous and has been automated so that a word file with summarized graphics is made automatically every week. The feedback is then checked by a course representative before its shared with the teacher in the certain subject.

In the spring of 2024 a pilot was initaited in an introduction course in Geophysics, GEOV111 - Geophysical Methods, where course instructors concluded that its a "low effort, high reward" project that should be implemented on all bachelor courses at the Department of Earth Science, University of Bergen.

At the start of the fall 2024, and with iEarth funding from SEED projects, the project is now launched at 10 different subjects within introductory bachelor subjects at the Department of Earth Science, University of Bergen (GEO UiB), and several subjects a the Department of Geosciences at the University of Oslo.

Continuous feedback in teaching - A student-led project on increasing the communication between students and teachersContinuous feedback in teaching - A student-led project on increasing the communication between students and teachers

iEarth national student leader Siri Tungland

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