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GEO'Logic - iEarth Education Research Publication
This project explores the use of non-speech audio as a tool for accessible or augmented learning. The goal is to pilot the use of these soundtracks alongside classic lesson methods and evaluate the role of immersive sound as an alternative (or additional) mechanism of learning.
Presentation by Lena Håkansson on "Local field teaching laboratories".
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Centre for Integrated Earth Science Education (iEarth) became a Centre of Excellence in Education (SFU) in 2020. We see progress on many of the ambitions we set out in the project proposal and the action plan. However, curriculum redesign and cultural changes in academia is a slow process that takes time to fulfil. We are on track and believe that our effort in the last year is visible internally and to external collaborators. In the annual report for 2022, we look back on what happened and look forward to revising some of our plans for further progress. iEarth is an innovation project, and we, therefore, need to continuously revise our strategies to reach our long-term visions and goals.
Agisoft Metashape workflow for processing (drone) images by PhD student Martin Kjenes