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Bergens tidende news on 04.02.2024.
Peer-reviewed publication at First Break 01.04.2024
iEarth Education Research Publication Series SEED project CoCalc
iEarth experienced a remarkable year in 2023, marked by numerous activities and significant milestones. There is a noticeable increase in engagement in teaching development among our colleagues, and we take great pride in expanding our course offerings that employ student-active learning techniques and formative assessment. We are pleased to present this annual report, reflecting on the past year's achievements. As always, this was achievable with the dedication and innovation of the individuals involved in iEarth. To sustain this momentum, it is crucial to recognise that iEarth is an innovation project to revolutionise Earth science education in Norway and beyond.
iEarth SEED project report from DigFest
Poster presented at GeoLearning Forum 2021 by Harald Sodemann